Man Utd investors ‘have takeover theory’ as Glazer family make unusual move

The Glazers at Manchester United

Manchester United have not yet released their annual financial results, a move that may be related to the ongoing takeover situation involving the Glazer family, the club’s American billionaire owners.

Almost a year has passed since the Glazers invited offers for the club, but no offer has been accepted.

Currently, Sheikh Jassim and Sir Jim Ratcliffe are leading in the race to buy control of the club. However, investors and fans are in the dark about the club’s current financial state.

Speculation suggests that the delay in publishing the financial results may be due to the potential impact of news regarding the club’s potential new owners.

Alternatively, the Glazers might be waiting for an opportune moment to release the 2023 financial figures, which could further frustrate United fans who have expressed their dissatisfaction with the owners.

The Glazer family yet to release financial figures

According to reports via The Daily Mail, the club is operating on tight budgets, with long-term projects on hold until more clarity emerges about their revenues.

United estimates that their forecasted revenues could reach as high as £650 million, a significant increase from their 2022 results of around £580 million.

Unusually, Man United have delayed announcing their financial figures for the fiscal year ending June 2023 until October.

Typically, they have announced these results in September for the past decade. While the Glazers are not obligated to release their yearly report until the regulatory deadline, this uncertainty is causing anxiety among both fans and potentially investors.

In 2020, investors had to wait until late October to see the report, which revealed substantial losses of £118 million due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A similar delay this year could raise concerns as the club remains in a state of uncertainty.

Recent reports suggest that Sir Jim Ratcliffe may now be interested in acquiring a 25 percent stake in the club, allowing the Glazers to retain their majority share.

In November of the previous year, the Glazer siblings had announced their intention to explore “strategic alternatives,” including selling the club, in pursuit of significant profits from the £780 million leveraged deal made by their father, Malcolm, in 2005.

United fans continue to protest against the Glazer brothers, Avram and Joel, with banners and signs outside Old Trafford, urging them to sell the club.

However, after 11 months, no decision regarding the club’s ownership has been reached.

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